Friday, September 21, 2012

Water bottles needed

Coach Rice would love any empty water bottles for field day.  Please make sure the bottles have lids.  We are having field day in November this year.

Accelerated Reader Month—by—Month Goals
November— 10
Splash Day 100 points
Fifth Grade Party 125 points by May 10th!

Student council representative permission slips are due on Wednesday, 9/26.    We will vote for representatives on Thursday, 9/27. 

PTO Fundraiser $ is due next on Thursday 9/27.  I have tasted the braided bread and it is delish  !!!!!! 

Thank you to the parents who attended Parent Night.  It was good seeing you! 

Scholastic Book Clubs is promoting a program called "Paws for Reading".  The students have chosen if they want to be on the cat's or the dog's side!  All they really need to do is keep reading at home for at least 20 minutes per day and keep up with their minutes on a reading log.  Scholastic will donate books to children in need.  We have discussed at length in our class about "paying it forward" and I think this is an excellent way to do that!

Yesterday we had our Student Council voting.  I don't know who won, but here is a picture of the fabulous candidates in our class:

We will have a Science test on Wednesday.  The kids are bringing home their Science notebook for the weekend.  The test will be over mixtures and solutions.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Student Council

All 5th grade students met with Mrs. Reaves this morning to hear about Student Council.  Each student has been given a packet with important dates and important information about running for an officer or class representative.  The application for officer is due this Friday.

Last week book orders were sent home last week.  Many parents have been ordering online.  Some have sent the order to school with a check.  Either way to order is fine...thank you so much for ordering!!  Please send or place orders by this Friday, 9/14.

Students will have a Science test this Friday.  We have many notes in our interactive notebooks for them to study.  Students are bringing home their notebook today.  Please make sure it is returned tomorrow. 

Also, they are bringing home a Social Studies study guide.  I told them that the test would be on Friday, but we will postpone the test until next Tuesday, 9/18.

I know that each of us is busy, but I hope you are reading the blog updates each week.  I will give your child 2 tickets if you write in his/her agenda, "I read the blog this week." by Wednesday!!

If your child is interested in writing articles about Dickinson for the Fort Bend Herald please have him/her write a one paragraph paper for the application.  Such things as why they are responsible, why they should be chosen, that they like to write, etc should be in the paragraph.  The applications are due on Friday 9/14.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can we have another 3 day weekend?

Did your family enjoy the 3 day weekend?  I sure enjoyed sleeping late on Monday! We will get another 3 day weekend in a few weeks when we have the 28th off for the County Fair! 

We visited the library today and students checked out books.  Please have your child read at least 20 minutes per night.  Students will be able to take AR tests next week.  Our goal for September is 8 points.  This is a very attainable goal that all of my students should be able to reach.  Once again, the reward for meeting the goal will be free dress.

Information regarding Student Council will be coming home next week.  The 5th graders will meet with Mrs. Reaves on Monday morning.  Please look for this information in Monday's Dolphin Folder.

Please remember to sign the behavior chart in your child's agenda this weekend.  Most students are following our class and school rules wonderfully, but some are having a little bit of trouble.  I will let you know if your child has received a warning by writing it on that day's agenda column.  If your child hasn't gotten any warnings or marks for the week...please reward him/her at home with something special.  If your child has received warnings or marks, please discuss your child's behavior with him/her.  When students must be redirected, it causes a disruption to our learning time.  I am using a ticket system in the class for students that I see following the rules, working quietly, being on task, etc.  They will be able to turn in the tickets for special coupons.

Have a good weekend!!