Friday, December 13, 2013

Spelling Bee

Our class Spelling Bee champion is Jaden Jordan.  He will be representing our class on Wednesday at the school Spelling Bee.  Good luck Jaden!!

This weekend students need to study their Science review sheet.  We will have a test on Tuesday.

Thank you to Mrs. Valdez and Mrs. Powell for shopping for and planning our Christmas party!!

On Friday morning, the kids will be enjoying some hot cocoa.  Please send a coffee cup/mug next week with your child. 

In January, we will be writing a poem about snowflakes and making a snowflake craft out of qtips.  Can one parent send in a box of qtips for us to use?  Thanks!!

Last Saturday the UIL competition was held and the students found out on Wednesday how they did.  I'm so proud of my medal and ribbon winners!  Great job...Charlie, Jaden, Griffin, Brooke, Taylor, Olivia, George, and Elizabeth !!

Many students have ordered a Kids and Cops tshirt.  We will accept orders until next Friday.  The tshirt is $10.

Have a wonderful weekend!!