We will be having our class spelling bee on Friday. Interested students were given a list a couple of weeks ago.
In Social Studies we will be having a test on Jamestown, Plymouth, and Roanoke on Tuesday, 12/4. We will complete our study guide on Friday.
In Science we will be having a test on the Water Cycle on Wednesday, 12/5. That study guide will be completed this week also. Please have students bring their study guides to class each day. Some students forget to bring theirs the day of the test. We spend time in class studying before the tests and they need the study guide to study!! Thanks!
Our class Christmas party will be on December 20th from 1:15 - 2:15. A letter regarding this party will be coming home in Monday's Dolphin Folder.
Most students have returned their permission slip for our trip to Minute Maid Park on January 11th. Parents are welcome to attend and more information on this will be coming home next week. Permission slips need to be returned this week.
We had some Field Day Fun the day before Thanksgiving break. However, even in November...it was hot!
Last Friday we had a school assembly called "Too Bright for Bullies". Mrs. Reaves and Mrs. Miles spoke to the kids about the definition of bullying. Our school has become a "No Place for Hate" campus. We also sang a song and danced to a version of the chicken dance...it was fun! Many students in our class wore yellow in honor of the day...
Our classroom turkeys are so creative! The students may bring quarters to vote for their favorite 5th grade turkeys this week. Our class winners are: Lauren's Christmas turkey, Jordan's soccer turkey, and Lexi's clown turkey.
The annual spelling bee is approaching! We will have our class spelling bee the week after Thanksgiving. The school spelling bee will be on December 19th.
We will have a fraction test on Friday, November 16th.
When we have study guides for Science and Social Studies, please sign the study guides. Also, study guides need to be brought to school each day, especially the day of the test. We take time before the test to study independently and with a partner before the test.
I hope you and your family have a wonderful, memorable Thanksgiving!!
On Wednesday the Dickinson students participated in a mock Presidential election. They even received an "I Voted" sticker, just like the real registered voters! In class we have been discussing the timeline of becoming president, comparing and contrasting the 2 major political parties, and the electoral college. The entire district was able to vote for president and the results for the district will be announced next week.
We will have a Weathering test on Friday. The students will need to study their notebooks.
We have been working hard on double digit division and it is definitely NOT their favorite thing to do! However, we will be having a division test on Tuesday.
If your student is participating in the turkey contest those entries will be due on Monday. Each 5th grade class will have the top 3 turkeys from their homeroom on display next week. Students will be able to vote for their favorite(s) for a quarter per vote.
The book fair will be open next week. It will be open late on Thursday. So come out and find some great books and vote for your favorite turkey.
Thank you so much to all of you for coming to your child's conference! I was able to meet with all of you this week!
Have a fantastic weekend!!