Friday, December 21, 2012

Classroom Spelling Bee champ and Christmas Party Pics

Congratulations to our classroom Spelling Bee champ, Lexi Chubon.  She did very well in the school Spelling Bee and made it through several difficult words before missing "flirtatious".  Her classmates and I are so proud of her!
Thank you to the parents who helped out at the Christmas party.  We had a great time!

That morning the kids enjoyed hot cocoa and a donut for breakfast.  That was plenty of sugar to start off the day!  :))

I hope that you and your families have a very special and Merry Christmas!!

Friday, December 7, 2012

Toy Drive

At the beginning of the year, our class made a list of how we could "pay it forward" and the toy drive our Counselor Advisory Team is holding is a wonderful way to share with others.  While you are out shopping this weekend, please consider buying a toy that your child can bring to school next week.  The unwrapped toys can be placed in the box near the front of the school.

The AR goal for this month is 8 points.  A few students have already met the goal....hooray!!

We will need your kiddos to bring back their holiday hat next week.  We have to have picture retakes of all the 5th graders.  We are making something special for all of you parents!

On the morning of our holiday party, we will be having hot chocolate in our classroom!  YUMMM.  The students will need to bring a coffee mug for their hot chocolate.  Please wrap it up well in the backpack so it doesn't get broken.

Speaking of our party, older siblings will not be allowed to be at the party.  We know they are excited about returning to Dickinson to see their former teachers, but Mrs. Mumphord and Mrs. Miles have stated that the party is for our current students.  If you have a nonschool age child, he/she is allowed to come.

Hopefully, your child has told you about Jingle, our elf on the shelf.  She has only gotten mischievous once!  The students love coming in every morning to see what she is doing!  Many of the kids tell me everyday what their elf has done at their houses!  I wish there was elf on the shelf when my daughter, Meredith was little.  I would have had so much fun!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Spelling Bee

We will be having our class spelling bee on Friday.  Interested students were given a list a couple of weeks ago.

In Social Studies we will be having a test on Jamestown, Plymouth, and Roanoke on Tuesday, 12/4.  We will complete our study guide on Friday.

In Science we will be having a test on the Water Cycle on Wednesday, 12/5.  That study guide will be completed this week also.  Please have students bring their study guides to class each day.  Some students forget to bring theirs the day of the test.  We spend time in class studying before the tests and they need the study guide to study!!  Thanks!

Our class Christmas party will be on December 20th from 1:15 - 2:15.  A letter regarding this party will be coming home in Monday's Dolphin Folder.

Most students have returned their permission slip for our trip to Minute Maid Park on January 11th.  Parents are welcome to attend and more information on this will be coming home next week.  Permission slips need to be returned this week.

We had some Field Day Fun the day before Thanksgiving break.  However, even in was hot!


Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Too Bright for Bullies

Last Friday we had a school assembly called "Too Bright for Bullies".  Mrs. Reaves and Mrs. Miles spoke to the kids about the definition of bullying.  Our school has become a "No Place for Hate" campus.  We also sang a song and danced to a version of the chicken was fun!  Many students in our class wore yellow in honor of the day...


Our classroom turkeys are so creative!  The students may bring quarters to vote for their favorite 5th grade turkeys this week. Our class winners are: Lauren's Christmas turkey, Jordan's soccer turkey, and Lexi's clown turkey.
The annual spelling bee is approaching!  We will have our class spelling bee the week after Thanksgiving.  The school spelling bee will be on December 19th.

We will have a fraction test on Friday, November 16th.

When we have study guides for Science and Social Studies, please sign the study guides.  Also, study guides need to be brought to school each day, especially the day of the test.  We take time before the test to study independently and with a partner before the test.

I hope you and your family have a wonderful, memorable Thanksgiving!!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Mock Election

On Wednesday the Dickinson students participated in a mock Presidential election. They even received an "I Voted" sticker, just like the real registered voters! In class we have been discussing the timeline of becoming president, comparing and contrasting the 2 major political parties, and the electoral college.  The entire district was able to vote for president and the results for the district will be announced next week.

We will have a Weathering test on Friday.  The students will need to study their notebooks.

We have been working hard on double digit division and it is definitely NOT their favorite thing to do!  However, we will be having a division test on Tuesday.

If your student is participating in the turkey contest those entries will be due on Monday.  Each 5th grade class will have the top 3 turkeys from their homeroom on display next week.  Students will be able to vote for their favorite(s) for a quarter per vote. 

The book fair will be open next week.  It will be open late on Thursday.  So come out and find some great books and vote for your favorite turkey.

Thank you so much to all of you for coming to your child's conference!  I was able to meet with all of you this week! 

Have a fantastic weekend!!

Monday, October 22, 2012

Red Ribbon Week

Happy Monday!  Today is the day when students are encouraged to wear a red uniform shirt for Red Ribbon Week.  Tomorrow, students are encouraged to bring can goods which will be donated to a food pantry.  Wednesday, students can wear jeans and a college shirt.  Thursday, students can wear a Halloween shirt.  We will have a read-a-thon on Friday.  Students may BRING slippers, a pillow, and a small blanket.

As part of our Forms of Energy unit in Science, students are required to make an instrument at home and bring it by Friday.  We will talk about different string instruments tomorrow in class.  The instrument sheet is coming home today. Students will need to write about how they made their instrument.  BE CREATIVE !!

Are you coming to the Monster Mash?  It will be lots of fun!!  In addition to games and food, there will be a silent auction in the library.

On Friday, the students worked in groups to illustrate a math word problem.  The students enjoyed working together and being creative to illustrate their problem.

Next week is when we will be having our first parent/teacher conference.  You will get your child's first report card at this time.  I will send reminders next week regarding your day/time.  Please be sure and be on time.  Your child wrote a narrative story and recorded his/her voice.  You will be able to scan a QR code with your phone or iPad to listen to the story.  Here is Sean about to record his story:  

Monday, October 15, 2012

Heavenly Hats picture

Thank you so much for the generosity for Heavenly Hats.  Many students brought in more than $1!  Student Council is still counting the money, so we should have a total this week of the money collected for this very worthwhile cause. My class had some very funky and fun hats!!
If you are ordering school pictures, please send your order form and check by Friday, the 19th.
Students are bringing home their Square 1 Art order forms today.  I have some amazing artists in my room!  They are so very talented!  You have until the 26th to place an order.  These would make great Christmas gifts for grandparents.
We will have an Electrical Energy test on Monday, the 22nd. 
The week of the 22nd is Red Ribbon Week to promote being drug free.  We will dress up each day...more to come on that from Mrs. Reaves.
Class pictures will be taken on October 30.  Please have your child wear a red uniform shirt and khaki bottoms. 
Students should be practicing math on  Their username and password is taped on the inside cover of their agenda.
Have a wonderful week!
I have gotten sweet birthday hugs from all my kids today and some very thoughtful birthday surprises.  Thank you!

Friday, October 5, 2012

QR codes, science test, book orders...

Book order forms came home on Monday.  Please send in your order or place your order online by next Friday, the 12th.

Several parents are already signed up on Home Connect, which means you are able to receive emails when your child takes an AR test.  Mrs. Preas is encouraging each parent to sign up and to be aware when their child takes an AR test.  If you are not signed up, a letter with log in instructions will be coming home in the Dolphin Folder on Monday.

The students have been writing a narrative about a time when they were successful. The other day they got with a partner and peer edited their paper. Here are some pics:



The students are going to record themselves reading their final copy.  When you come to your parent conference at the end of the month, you will be able to use your smart phone or ipad to scan a QR code and you will hear your child reading their story.  So, get your scan app ready!  I will have an iPad available for parents who don't have the app.

Please send in Monster Mash ticket money and order form as soon as possible. 

Next Friday the Student Council will have their first school store and fundraiser.  We will be raising money for Heavenly Hats again this year.  For $1, the students may wear a hat on Friday.   I have a crazy hat that I wear every year.  I'm looking forward to seeing the different kids of hats the kids will wear.

We will have a Sound and Light Energy test on Wednesday, the 10th.  Students will be bringing home their notebooks to study from.  Please make sure the notebooks come back to school everyday.

Also on Wednesday we will be having a math test on double digit multiplication.

I will be sending home conference times next week.  If your child has a younger brother or sister and you have already scheduled that conference, please let me know when it is and I will schedule our conference near the same time.  I have already heard from a few of you...thanks!

Orders for the 5th grade shirt are coming home soon.  The t-shirts are going to have an awesome design!  We have talked about our color and our class will be a fuschia/magenta color.  The kids call it "wow pink" !!  The shirt will be $9.  They are going to loooove it!!!

Have a fabulous weekend!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Monster Mash

In yesterday's Dolphin Folder, there was a neon green Monster Mash flyer.  If you would like to preorder tickets for this fun event, please fill out the order form on the flyer and return it asap with your check.  The Monster Mash is on October 27th.

There will be a Reading Vocabulary test on Thursday.  The students were given the words and definitions yesterday.

There is a new online Math practice website that the kids can practice on.  The usernames and passwords are taped in your child's agenda on the first page.  The website is  We will be exploring the website today when we go to the computer lab.  Also, the kids should be doing Times Attack at home to practice their multiplication facts.

Next week the 5th graders will be taking the COGAT test.  We are scheduled to take it on Tuesday - Thursday with Friday being the make-up day.  Then the following week we will be taking the Iowa Test of Basic Skills.  This test will be given on Monday - Wednesday with Thursday the make-up day.  Please make sure your child gets a good night's sleep and a good breakfast on testing days.  The CogAt is used to measure overall cognitive and reasoning abilities from a developmental perspective.  Our school district also uses the data from the test to help in determing the GT label for secondary grades. 
The ITBS is available at different levels for students at different grade levels. The batteries aim to help determine how prepared students are for academic instruction, what individual accommodations may be necessary, which students may require early intervention, and to determine each student’s individual baseline of achievement. Questions are delivered orally by the teacher and response options are pictures, words or numerals, as appropriate. Approximately 30 minutes are given for each test.

Students are able to sign up for UIL tryouts this week.  The 5th grade events are : Music Memory, Art, Listening, Oral Reading, Spelling, and Maps, Graphs, and Charts.  The UIL competition is on December 1st.

Please remind your child that cell phones need to be turned off during the day.  If the phone goes off during school, it will cost $15 to get your phone out of "cell phone jail".   Parents will need to come to the office to get the phone.

Have a wonderful week!!!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Water bottles needed

Coach Rice would love any empty water bottles for field day.  Please make sure the bottles have lids.  We are having field day in November this year.

Accelerated Reader Month—by—Month Goals
November— 10
Splash Day 100 points
Fifth Grade Party 125 points by May 10th!

Student council representative permission slips are due on Wednesday, 9/26.    We will vote for representatives on Thursday, 9/27. 

PTO Fundraiser $ is due next on Thursday 9/27.  I have tasted the braided bread and it is delish  !!!!!! 

Thank you to the parents who attended Parent Night.  It was good seeing you! 

Scholastic Book Clubs is promoting a program called "Paws for Reading".  The students have chosen if they want to be on the cat's or the dog's side!  All they really need to do is keep reading at home for at least 20 minutes per day and keep up with their minutes on a reading log.  Scholastic will donate books to children in need.  We have discussed at length in our class about "paying it forward" and I think this is an excellent way to do that!

Yesterday we had our Student Council voting.  I don't know who won, but here is a picture of the fabulous candidates in our class:

We will have a Science test on Wednesday.  The kids are bringing home their Science notebook for the weekend.  The test will be over mixtures and solutions.

Have a fabulous weekend!!!


Monday, September 10, 2012

Student Council

All 5th grade students met with Mrs. Reaves this morning to hear about Student Council.  Each student has been given a packet with important dates and important information about running for an officer or class representative.  The application for officer is due this Friday.

Last week book orders were sent home last week.  Many parents have been ordering online.  Some have sent the order to school with a check.  Either way to order is fine...thank you so much for ordering!!  Please send or place orders by this Friday, 9/14.

Students will have a Science test this Friday.  We have many notes in our interactive notebooks for them to study.  Students are bringing home their notebook today.  Please make sure it is returned tomorrow. 

Also, they are bringing home a Social Studies study guide.  I told them that the test would be on Friday, but we will postpone the test until next Tuesday, 9/18.

I know that each of us is busy, but I hope you are reading the blog updates each week.  I will give your child 2 tickets if you write in his/her agenda, "I read the blog this week." by Wednesday!!

If your child is interested in writing articles about Dickinson for the Fort Bend Herald please have him/her write a one paragraph paper for the application.  Such things as why they are responsible, why they should be chosen, that they like to write, etc should be in the paragraph.  The applications are due on Friday 9/14.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Can we have another 3 day weekend?

Did your family enjoy the 3 day weekend?  I sure enjoyed sleeping late on Monday! We will get another 3 day weekend in a few weeks when we have the 28th off for the County Fair! 

We visited the library today and students checked out books.  Please have your child read at least 20 minutes per night.  Students will be able to take AR tests next week.  Our goal for September is 8 points.  This is a very attainable goal that all of my students should be able to reach.  Once again, the reward for meeting the goal will be free dress.

Information regarding Student Council will be coming home next week.  The 5th graders will meet with Mrs. Reaves on Monday morning.  Please look for this information in Monday's Dolphin Folder.

Please remember to sign the behavior chart in your child's agenda this weekend.  Most students are following our class and school rules wonderfully, but some are having a little bit of trouble.  I will let you know if your child has received a warning by writing it on that day's agenda column.  If your child hasn't gotten any warnings or marks for the week...please reward him/her at home with something special.  If your child has received warnings or marks, please discuss your child's behavior with him/her.  When students must be redirected, it causes a disruption to our learning time.  I am using a ticket system in the class for students that I see following the rules, working quietly, being on task, etc.  They will be able to turn in the tickets for special coupons.

Have a good weekend!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Week One

Well, we have made it part way through week one.  So far, so good!  I have such a wonderful class!  They are really sweet and I know that we will enjoy getting to know each other!  Thank you for completing the forms that came home on Monday afternoon.  I know it is a lot to fill out and many of you have more than one child which means even more forms!
We will take a Spelling Test each Monday morning.  If a student makes a 90 or above on the pretest, then that student is exempt from the test on Friday.  Whatever grade is made on the prestest will be the final test grade to go in the gradebook.  Of course, if a student gets exempt, but wants to try for a higher grade on Friday, then that is acceptable too!  If you see a spelling list glued into the "Saturday" section oft he agenda, then your child has a spelling test on Friday.  No list... no test!
We will have a Lab Safety test on Friday.  We discussed safety notes today in class and stapled the notes into our Science notebooks.  Students were instructed to bring home the notebook to study.  Notebooks must be brought back to school the next day if they are brought home.  We will be working in the notebooks almost every day. 
Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
I am looking forward to a fabulous year!!
Also, thank you for your overwhelming generosity of the donations from my wishlist.  I appreciate it sooooo much!

Thursday, August 23, 2012

Meet and Greet

I'm so glad that you were able to come to Meet and Greet!  I'm so excited to be in 5th grade this year.  I have some of my former students from last year and am looking forward to getting to know some new friends!  I will be writing new posts every week and will notify you by email of new posts and pictures.  It is very important that you read our class blog every week for updates!  Please send me an email this weekend at so I can add your email to my address book.

Here is a picture of our FABulous 5th grade team this year:

Front: Mrs Carver, Mrs. Garcia
Back: Mrs. Marlow, Mrs. Bates, Ms. Hopkins

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Splash Day Fun !

As you can see in the pictures, the students had lots of fun during Splash Day.  I am so proud of the students that put forth the effort to read, read, read to meet the 4th grade goal!!

Don't forget that our Award's Ceremony is on Tuesday from 9:45 - 11:15.   I hope you will be able to attend this special day!

Students who ordered a yearbook will receive it today.  We will have a yearbook signing day on Tuesday afternoon.  Students will need to bring their yearbook and a Sharpie marker.  Students may also BRING their orange class shirt if they want their fourth grade friends to sign it.  Students will need to wear regular uniform dress. 

We will have early release at 12:45 on Wednesday and Thursday.

Have a fabulous rest of the week and looooong weekend!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Chocolate overload!

Wow, I've never had so many Kit Kat bars! Thank you so much for all of the sweets today. I love the candy bars AND the bundt cakes. I also got a slice of cheesecake and a case of Diet Coke with lime earlier in the week. I will treasure all the sweet notes the kids have given me all week . Thank you also for the generous and abundant supplies that were sent yesterday. I sincerely appreciate all of your generosity! I looooove your children and adore them so very much!
We will have field day on Monday.
The kids have been working hard on Mother's Day surprises... I hope all the moms have a special day!
I am glad that I will be able to be with my wonderful mother. She has been living in Louisiana since November taking care of my grandmother. My precious grandmother went to Heaven last Saturday , so I our whole family will be in Shreveport this weekend for the funeral.
A big congratulations to:
for earning 75+ points to qualify for Splash Day on the 18th. Way to go!!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Relay Race pictures

We had both our boys and our girls come in third place today.  Everyone was a good sport about not getting to run on the track.  All my runners expressed that it was just not the same as running on the track.

Avery and Alyssa are my sweet girls that I taught 2 years ago.  They came to cheer on their brothers.
I looooove see former students!!